Radikal Guru – Desert Flower ft. Violinbwoy
Appropriately titled, Radikal Guru’s LP, Dub Mentalist, drops today on Moonshine Recordings. The album primarily showcases the reggae sound that Moonshine is known for pushing and Radikal is known for providing, so finding this tune on the LP came as a surprise to me. With the violin expertise from Violinbwoy, Desert Flower is a progressively emotional journey I simply couldn’t resist sharing on the channel. Stream or purchase the full album from Moonshine’s Bandcamp below.
Radikal Guru: https://soundcloud.com/radikal-guru
Violenbwoy – https://soundcloud.com/violinbwoy
Dub Mentalist: https://moonshinerecordings.bandcamp.com/album/dub-mentalist
Art: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=59806536