Daman x Puppa Djoul – Hey Cops – MSR07-002
“Un morceau contre les violences policières qui sévissent partout dans le monde. De George Floyd à Cédric Chouviat, des tortures en Biélorussie à la répression des mouvements sociaux en France, des meurtres dans les favelas de Rio aux assassinats de manifestants en Iran, la police frappe, mutile, tue. Face à l’impunité policière, nous n’oublions pas, nous ne pardonnons pas.”
“A song about police brutality that is happening all over the world. From Georges Floyd to Cédric Chouviat, from torture in Belarus to social movements’ repression in France, from murders in the favelas in Rio to the assassinations of demonstrators in Iran, the police beats, mutilates, kills. Facing police impunity, we won’t forget, we won’t forgive.”
Available pon Bandcamp or Discogs :
Written by Daman
Riddim by Puppa Djoul
Chorus by Kevin Roucciol
Sax by Pierre Besnier
Trumpet by Guillaume Lachambre
Master by Kilimanzion
Cutted by Puppa Djoul
P&C Mental Stamina Records 2020