augustus pablo – sunshine dub
One Step Dub
Producer: Augustus Pablo for Rockers Productions
Arranger: Augustus Pablo
Enginners: Augustus Pablo, Tony Kelly, Solgie, Steven Stanley, Junior Delgado
Recording studios: Tuff Gong, Easy Street, Channel One, Dynamic Sounds
LP: Rockers international (1990), Greensleeves GREL 157 (1991)
CD: Greensleeves GRELCD 157 (1991)
Augustus Pablo: bass synths, synths, organ, melodica, piano
Danny Roots, Chris Meredith: bass
Carlton “Santa” Davis, Squiddly Cole, Eddie: drums
Earl “Chinna” Smith, Leroy Badness, Junior Delgado: guitar
Jackie Mittoo: Yamaha 1000
Red Fox: piano
Chico Chin, “Dizzy” Moore: trumpet
Dean Fraser: saxophone
Nambo Robinson: trombone
Ronnie Lyn: emulator
Harry T., “Sticky” Thompson, Squiddly Cole: percussions
junior Delgado, Anicia Banks, Bunny Brissett, Home T., Sharon Tucker, Jennifer Lara, Judith Emmanuel: vocals
” Give thanks for King Selassie and all his blessings and guidance in producing this album, all his brothers and sisters all over this creation for loving King Selassie-I works.
Pablo ”